H-D #290-37 (24279-37) CONNECTING ROD set with "Stepped" 3-Hole CRANK PIN, NUTS, fitted UPPER BUSHINGS and with hone fitted 3/16" dia ROLLER BEARINGS & STEEL RETAINERS OEM replica "ZA" type RODS for all 1937 - 1948 UL & ULH motors - Ready to Install ZA Longer Rod Length is unique to UL Motors - center to center is 7.90625”
H-D #290-37 (24279-37) CONNECTING ROD set with "Stepped" 3-Hole CRANK PIN, NUTS, fitted UPPER BUSHINGS and with hone fitted 3/16" dia ROLLER BEARINGS & STEEL RETAINERS OEM replica "ZA" type RODS for all 1937 - 1948 UL & ULH motors - Ready to Install ZA Longer Rod Length is unique to UL Motors - center to center is 7.90625”